Mrs. Brown's Fourth Grade Blog

…our learning adventure

Social Studies

Current Events

Each week you will be reading about a current event and writing a brief report about it. Here are the links to sites you can use as well as the Current Event Response Sheet:

You will use this response sheet to tell me about the current events article that you read. Be sure to write in complete sentences. 

Current Events Response Sheet

Wax Museum Project Links

Click on the link below to check out links to websites for your research on explorers.

California Explorer Websites

 Minecraft Mission Example

As a culminating activity for our California Missions Unit, you will be creating a replica of your mission using Minecraft. Check out this video below of one student’s virtual mission, created in Minecraft.

 California Gold Rush

Watch this video about hydraulic mining before answering Chapter 10 & 11, Question 3 in your BGHS packet.

Watch this video on the start of the California Gold Rush.

Here’s a Prezi presentation if want to get an overview of our gold rush simulation!

Below is a link to a web site that shows you how to make a duct tape coin purse (for your gold nuggets).

How to Make a Duct Tape Coin Purse

After reading a book about Lewis & Clark and the Corps of Discovery, the fourth graders wrote their own version of the story. If you have an epub reader, click on the link below to view the book.

The Adventures of Seaman

If you don’t have an epub reader, you can download it below as a pdf.

The Adventures of Seaman

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