Mrs. Brown's Fourth Grade Blog

…our learning adventure

Genius Hour Update


How’s the sewing coming along Ally?

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…the ever-evolving Rube Goldberg Machine by Alexia & Lily

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Magdalena finished knitting her gloves and has moved on to a hat, using circular needles.

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Construction continues on the pony house by Jayla, Elyse, and Kendall.

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After a setback with their platform, Lucas and Anne showed great resilience by selecting a different website platform.

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Alex is the only one to stick with learning html coding.


Keanu and Jake continue to build their website for pets.


Nicole and Ulrikke have completed their sculpture.

Tracy’s cookbook is coming along nicely.

Noah and Spencer are learning about the challenges of 3D printing. What do you do when the filament jams in the printer??


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